1. Inventory
  2. Models



Item Model

The item model represents a unique item for which you would like to track the quantity.

object "item"
The description of the model.

attributes array
A list of enumerated strings to give more context to special items. For example: alcohol, marijuana, pharma, dry_ice, lithium

color string
Any value can be added here

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created

description string
The details about the item

gtin string
The global identifier for the item, which is consistent across vendors for this item

harmonized_code string
The harmonized system code for the item. This is required if you will be shipping this item internationally.

id string
The unique ID given to this product. This will stay the same even if the SKU or GTIN values are updated.

images Array.<string>
A list of URLs of images that have been added for this item

levels Array.<InventoryLevel>
Information about inventory levels for this item across various locations and layouts

Show Details
InventoryLevel.object level
The enum for this object
InventoryLevel.id string
The ID for the level that starts with lvl_
InventoryLevel.location_id string
The ID of the location this in which this inventory level is housed
InventoryLevel.layout_id string
The layout ID within the location where this inventory can be found
InventoryLevel.layout_name string
The name of the layout this item is on. This makes it easier to construct a front-end while showing the location of the item without additional latency for querying. If the layout name gets updated, this value will be updated automatically.
InventoryLevel.verified_qty integer
The amount of on hand inventory.
InventoryLevel.damaged_qty integer
The amount of on hand inventory that is deemed damaged
InventoryLevel.manifested_qty integer
The amount of inventory that is on a manifest that has not been added to inventory yet
InventoryLevel.reserved_qty integer
Inventory that has been reserved by being pulled out of the verified_qty count, usually due to being attributed to a fulfillment

metadata object
These are your metadata key value pairs added to the item

name string
The name of the item

length float
The length of the item in inches

width float The width of the item in inches

height float
The height of the item in inches

weight float
The weight of the item in pounds (lbs)

packaged_length float
The length of the item in inches once packaged for shipping. For example, a mobile phone often ships in a box with some cables and reading materials inside. Packaged length would be the length of the box that the mobile phone is housed in.

packaged_widthh float
The width of the item in inches when placed in shipping packaging

packaged_height float
The height of the item in inches when placed in shipping packaging

packaged_weight float
The weight of the item in pounds (lbs) when placed in shipping packaging

origin_country string
The country that manufactured this item. This is required if shipping the item internationally

organization_id string
The unique identifier for the organization that owns this item. This will always be your organization ID

status string
The current status of the item

size string
The size of the item. This is used for display purposes on a product page. This is common when adding something like a "small" or "large" variation.

sku string
The SKU of the item added by you

total_verified integer
The total verified inventory count across all levels

total_damaged integer
The total damaged inventory count across all levels

total_manifested integer
The total inventory count that is on a manifest

total_reserved integer
The total inventory count that is reserved

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was updated

value string
The value of this each individual item in cents

Inventory Model

An inventory model is an item or asset that is inside of a manifest, fulfillment, or parcel.

object "inventory"
The enum for this object

attributes Array.<"alcohol", "marijuana", "pharma", "dry_ice", "lithium">
Indicates certain aspects of the item that will impact shipping and handling

comment string
A free text field to add any comments about this item

damaged_qty integer
The count of damaged items being shipped in a fulfillment or parcel. When used for a manifest, it counts how many items were damaged.

verified_qty integer
The count of verified items being shipped in a fulfillment or parcel. When used for a manifest, it counts how many items were verified.

manifested_qty integer
This value can be updated by the end user for staging inventory, like in a common two-step pick & pack process for a fulfillment. For a manifest, this value is prefilled indicating how many items are expected in the manifest.

harmonized_code string
The Harmonized System Code. See more.

id string
The ID of the item to reference

gtin string
The Global Trade Item Number, typically found on barcodes

sku string
The unique identifier that is added by you for this item

serial_number string
A unique number given to an asset

image_url string
A thumbnail image for the inventory

name string
The name of the inventory item

origin_country string
The two character country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

vendor string
The company that created the inventory

value integer
The value of each individual item in USD cents

packaged_length float
The length in inches of the product packaging

packaged_width float
The width in inches of the product packaging

packaged_height float
The height in inches of the product packaging

packaged_weight float
The weight in pounds (lbs) of the product packaging

Manifest Model

The manifest model represents a unique manifest containing the inventory that you would like to track.

object "manifest"
The description of the model.

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created

created_inventory Array.<Inventory>
Inventory must be created before the manifest can be acted upon. It is common for this to be empty. All of the inventory from this section will be merged into inventory when the manifest status is updated from "requested" to "accepted".

estimated_delivery_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when the last package of the manifest is going to arrive. This date is derived from tracking numbers entered when creating the manifest.

id string
The unique ID given to this manifest prefixed with msft_

inventory Array.<Inventory>
The inventory that is included in the manifest

location_id string
The ID of the location to which this manifest is being delivered

metadata object
These are your metadata key value pairs added to the manifest

order_number string
The order number that either you provided to the manifest or that PackageX added automatically

organization_id string
The ID of the organization that owns this manifest. In almost all cases, this will be your organization ID.

tracking_numbers Array.<string>
A list of all tracking numbers for this manifest. When added, trackers will be created for each tracking number which will then update the estimated_delivery_at property.

status string
The status of the manifest

Show Details
The manifest was created either by you or a third party.
Someone in your organization approved the manifest. Any items in the created_inventory were created and inventory counts from this manifest were added to the manifested_qty on the item.
There was activity performed on an accepted manifest. This status will automatically update when inventory begins being verified.
All items have been scanned from the manifest and the manifest quantities are added to inventory.
The manifest is canceled. Any quantities added to it will be removed from inventory.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this item was last updated

Fulfillment Model

The fulfillment model represents a unique fulfillment containing the inventory that was sent to the recipient.

object "fulfillment"
The description of the model.

cancel_reason string
If the fulfillment gets canceled, a reason can be optionally provided here.

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created

complete_at integer
Time in epoch seconds by which this fulfillment should be completed

id string
The unique ID given to this fulfillment prefixed with ful_

inventory Array.<Inventory>
The inventory that needs to be shipped in this fulfillment

label_url string
The URL of the shipping label that gets generated when the fulfillment is completed

location_id string
The ID of the location to which this manifest is being delivered

metadata object
These are your metadata key value pairs added to the manifest

order_number string
The order number that either you provided to the fulfillment or that PackageX added automatically

organization_id string
The ID of the organization that owns this fulfillment. In almost all cases, this will be your organization ID.

packaging_recommendations Array
A list of the recommended way(s) to package to product into parcels if any shipping boxes are predefined in the settings. This is currently an empty array for all users.

packing_slip_url Array
The URL to the PDF of the packing slip for all items added to inventory

parcels Array.<Parcel>
All parcels in the fulfillment and the inventory packed within them

Show Details
Parcel.object "parcel"
The enum for this object
Parcel.attributes Array.<"alcohol", "marijuana", "pharma", "dry_ice", "lithium">
Indicates certain aspects of the item that will impact shipping and handling
Parcel.id string
The unique ID assigned to the parcel beginning with prcl_
Parcel.length float
The length of the parcel in inches
Parcel.width float
The width of the parcel in inches
Parcel.height float
The height of the parcel in inches
Parcel.weight float
The weight of the parcel in pounds (lbs)
Parcel.type enum
The type of package if selecting from carrier specific packaging. See Predefined Packages
Parcel.special_handling string
Special handing instructions for the parcel.
Parcel.tracking_number string
The tracking number for this parcel if a shipment was purchased
Parcel.label_url string
The shipping label PDF for this parcel if a shipment was purchased
Parcel.inventory Inventory
The inventory packed inside of the parcel

rates_generated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when shipping rates were generated for this fulfillment. Shipping rates are only valid for 15 minutes after which new rates must be fetched.

recipient object
Details about the contact receiving this shipment

Show Details
recipient.address Address
The parsed address for this recipient See Address
recipient.email string
Email for the recipient. Recipient will receive tracking notifications here
recipient.phone string
Phone number of the recipient. On demand couriers may contact this number for issues
recipient.name string
Name of the recipient, printed on the shipping label
recipient.contact_id string
The ID of the contact if one was used to create this recipient.

sender object
Details about the contact sending this shipment

Show Details
sender.address object
Parsed address for the sender. See Address
sender.email string
Email for the sender
sender.phone string
Phone number of the sender. On demand couriers may contact this number for issues.
sender.name string
Name of the sender, printed on the shipping label
sender.contact_id string
The ID of the contact if one was used to create this sender.

shipment_id string
The ID of the shipment associated with this fulfillment, prefixed with ship_

shipment_rate_type string
The type of rate that was purchased for the shipment linked to the fulfillment without needing to query the shipment. Options include:

Show Rate Types
The recipient will pick up at your location
The recipient will indicate when they are curbside
The recipient will pick up from a locker
A shipping provider will delivery the shipment
The shipment will be negotiated outside of the PackageX platform

status string
The status of the fulfillment

Show Details
The fulfillment was created either by you or a third party.
Some activity occurred on the fulfillment, like a parcel being created.
The fulfillment has been packed.
The fulfillment is packaged and transport has been organized.
The fulfillment was canceled.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was last updated