Shipment Model
Whether you are fetching shipping rates, purchasing a label, or tracking a shipment, we will always have the same model for you. We standardize the data from every carrier to make responses as predictable as possible.
object "shipment"
The description of the model.
amount integer
The amount collected for this shipment from the customer as an Integer. $13.78 is saved as 1378.
billed_amount integer
The amount billed to you for this shipment.
coordinates Array<Number, Number>
The latitude and longitude of the current location
created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this shipment was created.
currency string
The lowercase three-character code for the currency used for this transaction.
estimated_delivery_at integer
The estimated delivery for this shipment in epoch seconds.
fulfillment_id string
The ID of the fulfillment that created this shipment.
manifest_id The ID of the manifest that created this shipment.
id string
Unique identifier for the shipment.
invoice_id string
Unique identifier for the invoice of this shipment.
kiosk_id string
This kiosk that was used to generate this shipment.
label_url string
URL for the shipping label in the size and format specified in the dashboard.
lead_time_mins integer
The amount of lead time needed to prepare the shipment for an on-demand courier. This is set up in the dashboard.
metadata object
Key value pairs of data that you can set for this shipment.
options object
Options that were passed in when generated shipping rates.
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customs_info object
Custom information that was passed in to fetch customs rate.
Currently this supports Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands only
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customs_items object[]
The details of each items in the shipment on which customs is applied.
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organization_id string
Unique identifier for the organization that owns this shipment. This will always be your organization ID.
paid boolean
If this shipment was paid for successfully.
parcels Array.<Parcel>
All parcels in the fulfillment or manifest and the inventory packed within them
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payment_reference string
A reference for the payment of this shipment. This will be visible on the invoice.
pickup_at integer
The time in epoch seconds when this shipment will be picked up.
provider object
Details about the shipping carrier.
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purchased_rate Rate
Rate class being used for this shipment. See Rate.
rates array<Rate>
All rates returned for this shipment. See Rate.
recipient object
Details about the contact receiving this shipment.
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refund_status null|"requested"|"refunded"|"rejected"
The status of the refund on this shipment if one was requested. Funds will be returned back when the status is refunded
, which varies with time based on the shipping provider.
sender object
Details about the contact sending this shipment.
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status string
Current status for this shipment. See Statuses.
tracking_number string
Provider-specific string used to track this shipment. See Rate.
tracking_updates Array.<TrackingUpdate>
An array of waypoints this shipment had in order from oldest to newest.
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tracking_url string
URL where a user can go to track their packages.
type "outbound" | "inbound"
Indicates whether the shipment is an inbound or outbound shipment.
updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this shipment was last updated.
_search object
A special property that will be included if searching through shipments. This is a flat object which will include <mark>
tags around characters that have matched the search. You can use this to more easily highlight text for a user interface.
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Rate Model
This is how all rates are returned on the platform. Initially when you are creating rates, you'll typically have many options here. When it's time to purchase the rate, you'll pass the id
of the rate you want to buy.
object "rate"
The description of the model.
amount integer
The amount that will be displayed for this rate.
billed_amount integer
The amount you will be charged for this rate if purchased. Can be higher or lower than amount
if you are discounting or upcharging your shipment.
carrier_account string
The carrier account used for this rate, if provided.
created_at Integer
Seconds from epoch when this rate was created.
id String
Unique identifier for this rate. This ID is passed to purchase a rate.
pickup_at Integer
The time in epoch seconds when this shipment will be picked up for this rate. If this shipment does not include a pickup, it will be null.
provider object
The details of the carrier or courier for this shipment.
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service_level object
The data about the service level for this delivery.