1. Groups
  2. Model



Group Model

The Group model represents a group entity with various attributes and relationships.


object "group"
The description of the model.

id string
Unique identifier for the group.

organization_id string
Unique identifier for the organization that owns this group. This will always be your organization ID.

name string
The name of the group.

resource string
The type of group. it can be a contact or location.

location_id string
The location ID of the group with which the group is associated.

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this group was last updated.

updated_by string
The ID of the user or key who last updated the group.

metadata object
Additional Key value pairs associated with the group.

checksum string
The checksum of the group object.

_outbound_trackers object

_inbound_trackers object

children Array.<{name:string; id:string}>
A list of location IDs to which this contact is associated.

_search object
A special property that will be included if searching through groups. This is a flat object which will include <mark> tags around characters that have matched the search. You can use this to more easily highlight text for a user interface.

Show Details
_search.name string
The group's name.
_search.relevance_score ?number
A number from 0 - 1 about how relevant the result was to the search query, with 1 being a perfect match.
_search.query ?string
search query.