1. Batches
  2. Model



Batch Model

The batch represents a bulk operation on a specific resource with various phases and statuses.

object "batch"
The description of the model.

id string
Unique identifier for the batch.

organization_id string
Unique identifier for the organization that owns this batch.

resource string
Type of resource being processed in the batch.

mode sync|mixed|async
Mode of batch processing.

via api|file
Indicates if the batch was created via API or file upload.

action merge|overwrite|delete
Action to be performed on the resources in the batch.

status requested|queued|processing|completed|failed|timed_out|expired
Current status of the batch.

reason string
Reason for the final status, if applicable.

phases object[]
Details of each phase in the batch process.

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phases.name parsing
phases.mode sync
phases.total number
Total number of items in the phase.
phases.processed number
Number of items processed in the phase.
phases.success number
Number of items successfully processed in the phase.
phases.error number
Number of items that encountered errors in the phase.

stats object
Statistics related to the batch processing results.

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stats.created number
Number of resources created.
stats.updated number
Number of resources updated.
stats.deleted number
Number of resources deleted.
stats.overwritten number
Number of resources overwritten.

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this batch was created.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this batch was last updated.

updated_by string
ID of the user who last updated the batch.

checksum string
Checksum of the batch.

_upload_url string
URL for uploading a file/payload via a signed URL.

_upload_csv_url string
URL to download the original payload as a CSV file.

_upload_json_url string
URL to download the original payload as a JSON file.

_errors_csv_url string
URL to download errors as a CSV file.

_errors_json_url string
URL to download errors as a JSON file.