1. API Keys
  2. Model

API Keys


API Key Model

object "api_key"
The description of the model.

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created.

edited_by string
A use readable message of the last person or API key to edit this key.

expired_at integer|null
Time in epoch seconds when this API Key will expire. If this is null, the key will never expire. Any expired keys will be automatically deleted.

group_contacts object
Details about what contacts are nested inside of this contact. This is only possible if the contact type is set to group.

id string
Unique identifier for the API key.

last4 string
The last 4 characters of the API Key.

limit_to_location string
A location to which this API key is scoped. This key will only be able to access resources to this location to which is has appropriate scopes.

name string
The use provided name for the API Key.

organization_id string
The organization that owns this API key.

role string


The role given to the key

organization_id string
Unique identifier for the organization that owns this delivery. This will always be your organization ID.

scopes Object
The scopes given to the API Key. Scopes are enumerated as an integer.

  • write: 2
  • read: 1
  • null: 0
Show Object
Object.addresses integer
Object.api_keys integer
Object.assets integer
Object.audits integer
Object.contacts integer
Object.deliveries integer
Object.events integer
Object.fulfillments integer
Object.addresses integer
Object.items integer
Object.locations integer
Object.manifests integer
Object.organizations integer
Object.payment_methods integer
Object.payments integer
Object.scans integer
Object.shipments integer
Object.users integer
Object.webhooks integer

system_generated boolean
If this API key was created by a third party or PackageX.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this API key was last updated.

api_key string
This property will only exist on the key when it's initially created and will show the full API Key. After this, anytime you retrieve the key, this property will not exist. If you lose your API Key, you'll need to create a new one as there is no way for PackageX to retrieve this key either.