1. Assets
  2. Model



Asset Model

object "asset"
The description of the model.

status string
The current status of the asset, can be in_use, in_storage, on_loan, in_repair, in_transit, in_pipeline, lost, missing, stolen, donated, disposed, out_of_service, for_sale or sold.

attributes string[] Attributes of the asset item, can be alcohol, marijuana, pharma, dry_ice, or lithium.

color string
The color of the asset item.

created_at Integer
Seconds from epoch when this rate was created.

currency string
The three-letter ISO string for the currency. Defaults to "USD".

id string
Unique identifier for this asset.

description string
The description of the asset item.

image_urls string
Images for the asset

gtin string
The Global Trade Item Number of the asset item.

serial_number string
The serial number of the asset.

harmonized_code string
The harmonized code of the asset item.

item_id string
The ID of the item associated with this asset.

location_id string
The ID of the location where the asset is stored.

layout_id string
The ID of the layout where the asset is placed.

metadata Object
Additional metadata associated with the asset.

name string
The name of the asset item.

origin_country string
The country of origin of the asset item.

organization_id string
The ID of the organization associated with this asset.

vendor string
The vendor of the asset item.

size string
The size of the asset item.

sku string
The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the asset item.

length number
The length of the asset item.

width number
The width of the asset item.

height number
The height of the asset item.

weight number
The weight of the asset item.

packaged_length number
The length of the packaged asset item.

packaged_width number
The width of the packaged asset item.

packaged_height number
The height of the packaged asset item.

packaged_weight number
The weight of the packaged asset item.

value number
The monetary value of the asset.

updated_at Integer
Seconds from epoch when this asset was last updated.

updated_by string
The ID of the user who last updated this asset.

barcode string
The barcode associated with this asset.

category string
The category of the asset item.

sub_category string
The sub-category of the asset item.

assignee string
The ID of the contact assigned to this asset.

archived boolean
Indicates if the asset is archived or not.

initial_value number
The initial monetary value of the asset item.

purchased_at Integer
Seconds from epoch when this asset was purchased.

manifest_id string
The ID of the manifest associated with this asset.

layout_name string
The name of the layout where the asset is placed.

location_name string
The name of the location where the asset is stored.

linked_documents AssetDocument[]
An array of documents associated with this asset.

Show Details
Object.document_type string
Describes the type of the document like warranty card, user_manual, invoice, transfer_order, POD, asset_request, other
Object.document_url string
The bucket URL for the document
Object.document_name string
The name of the document

warranty_details AssetWarrantyModel
The warranty details of the asset.

Show Details
Object.warranty_expires_at Date
Date until which the warranty is valid
Object.is_warranty_valid Boolean
Current status of the asset warranty

maintenance_details AssetMaintenanceModel
The maintenance details of the asset.

Show Details
Object.maintenance_schedule string
Time intervals at which the maintenance is to be performed on the asset
Object.maintenance_status Boolean
Current maintenance status of the asset
Object.next_maintenance_at Date
Next scheduled maintenance.

disposal_details AssetDisposalModel
The disposal details of the asset.

Show Details
Object.disposed_at Date
Time at which the asset was disposed off.
Object.disposal_reason_code string
The reason code for asset disposal
Object.disposal_comment string
Comments or note at the time of disposal.