1. Locations
  2. Models



Location Model

object "location"
The description of the model.

address Address
The address of this location.

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created.

holidays object
This is currently a placeholder property, but will be used to automatically modify operating hours of a location based on the holidays that it chooses to observe.

id string
The unique ID of the location prefixed with loc_

kiosk_message string
If this location is using a PackageX shipping kiosk, this will be a personalized message applied to the kiosk.

marketplace object
If an organization is an approved provider on the PackageX shipping marketplace, these are location specific properties for that service area.

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marketplace.active boolean
If this location is active on the marketplace
marketplace.fees.local_amount integer
A fixed amount to add to a rat total for this location
marketplace.fees.tax_percent integer
The percent in taxes to add to the total for a shipping rate
marketplace.fees.toll_amount integer
An amount to add to a shipping rate if the route crosses state or country lines
marketplace.capacity integer
The total daily capacity for deliveries at this location
marketplace.remaining_capacity integer
The amount of deliveries left at this location for the day

metadata object
Key value pairs of data that you can set for this delivery.

name string
The name given to this location.

operating_hours object
The days when the location is open and the hours for each day when this location is open.

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operating_hours.monday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.monday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.monday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"
operating_hours.tuesday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.tuesday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.tuesday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"
operating_hours.wednesday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.wednesday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.wednesday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"
operating_hours.thursday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.thursday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.thursday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"
operating_hours.friday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.friday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.friday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"
operating_hours.saturday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.saturday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.saturday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"
operating_hours.sunday.active boolean
If the location is open on this day
operating_hours.sunday.open string
When this location opens in 24 hour format like: "09:30"
operating_hours.sunday.close string
When this location closes in 24 hour format like: "17:00"

organization_id string
Unique identifier for the organization that owns this delivery. This will always be your organization ID.

provider_instructions string
Any details for an on demand shipping provider to know for picking up at this location.

pickup_types Array.<pickup_type>
The types of pickups that are available at this location. This is commonly used for fulfillments in conjunction with private and offline rates set up in the inventory and deliver apps. This is the default property that will be used for shipments that location, but this can be overridden via API.

service_areas Object
The postal code service areas that are served by this location.

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service_areas.postal_codes Array<String>
The postal codes for the U.S. market serviced by this location.

terminal_location_id string
The ID of any PackageX payment terminals that are added to this location.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was last updated.

users Array<String>
An array of IDs of users who have access to this location. The owner and developer roles have access to all locations by default.

Location Layout Model

A location layout is an object that describes how a storage area in your location is organized. Layouts can be nested inside of other layouts. You can also add inventory items to a layout and share that layout with other organizations. This will give them visibility into the items that you have.

id string
The ID of the layout. You are able to supply your own IDs. We encourage you to prefix your IDs with lay_ since our auto-generated IDs will be prefixed that way as well.

name string
The name of your layout.

nested_name string
The name of the layout if it's nested inside of a parent. For example a layout named "Bin 1" nested inside of layout "Shelf A", should be given the nested name "Shelf A, Bin 1".

parent_path string
The path of the parent layouts this one is nested in.

shared_with Array.<String>
The IDs of all organizations that this location layout is shared with.

Location Cache Model

Since locations are frequently accessed for user controls, pickup types, and addresses, it's important that these requests are able to be quick. We create a special cache object for locations that includes these frequently accessed properties for all locations at once.

address_hash string
The hash of the address model.

address_id string
the ID of the address.

formatted_address string
The full string of this location's address.

address_textarea string
The text area string for the address, which excludes the line2 property.

address_line2 string
The line2 property for the address.

id string
The ID of the location.

name string
The name of the location.

pickup_types Array.<pickup_types>
The pickup types that are available at this location.

users Array<String>
An array of IDs of users who have access to this location. The owner and developer roles have access to all locations by default.