1. Deliveries
  2. Models



Delivery Model

The delivery represents a single tracking number with one or more parcels that needs to be delivered.

object "delivery"
The description of the model.

coordinates Array<Number, Number>
The latitude and longitude of the current location

created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this resource was created.

estimated_delivery_at integer
The estimated delivery for this delivery in epoch seconds.

fulfillment_id string
The ID of the fulfillment that created this delivery.

id string
Unique identifier for the delivery.

location_id string
The hub location to which this delivery is assigned.

lead_time_mins integer
The amount of lead time needed to come get the parcel from the sender. This is set up in the dashboard.

metadata object
Key value pairs of data that you can set for this delivery.

organization_id string
Unique identifier for the organization that owns this delivery. This will always be your organization ID.

parcels Array.<Parcel>
All parcels in the fulfillment and the inventory packed within them

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Parcel.object "parcel"
The enum for this object
Parcel.attributes Array.<"alcohol", "marijuana", "pharma", "dry_ice", "lithium">
Indicates certain aspects of the item that will impact shipping and handling
Parcel.id string
The unique ID assigned to the parcel beginning with prcl_
Parcel.length float
The length of the parcel in inches
Parcel.width float
The width of the parcel in inches
Parcel.height float
The height of the parcel in inches
Parcel.weight float
The weight of the parcel in pounds (lbs)
Parcel.type enum
The type of package if selecting from carrier specific packaging. See Predefined Packages
Parcel.special_handling string
Special handing instructions for the parcel.
Parcel.tracking_number string
The tracking number for this parcel if a delivery was purchased
Parcel.label_url string
The shipping label PDF for this parcel if a delivery was purchased
Parcel.inventory Inventory
The inventory packed inside of the parcel

pickup_at integer
The time in epoch seconds when this delivery will be picked up.

provider object
Details about the shipping carrier.

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provider.id string
Unique ID for the provider.
provider.logo_url string
Logo of the provider.
provider.marketplace boolean
If this shipping provider came from the PackageX marketplace.
provider.name string
Name of the provider.
provider.support_email string
Email to contact support for this provider, available for on demand couriers.
provider.support_phone string
Phone to contact support for this provider, available for on demand couriers.
provider.support_url string
URL to contact support for this provider, available for on demand couriers.
provider.support_reference string
A support reference code that some providers use to help customers.

recipient object
Details about the contact receiving this delivery.

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recipient.address Address
The parsed address for this recipient
recipient.email string
Email for the recipient. Recipient will receive tracking notifications here
recipient.phone string
Phone number of the recipient. On demand couriers may contact this number for issues
recipient.name string
Name of the recipient, printed on the shipping label
recipient.contact_id string
The ID of the contact if one was used to create this recipient.

sender object
Details about the contact sending this delivery.

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sender.address Address
Parsed address for the sender.
sender.email string
Email for the sender.
sender.phone string
Phone number of the sender. On demand couriers may contact this number for issues.
sender.name string
Name of the sender, printed on the shipping label
sender.contact_id string
The ID of the contact if one was used to create this sender.

status string
Current status for this delivery. See Statuses.

tracking_number string
Provider-specific string used to track this delivery.

tracking_updates array<TrackingUpdate>
An array of waypoints this delivery had in order from oldest to newest.

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TrackingUpdate.address Address
The address of the package at this waypoint. Address details are often limited to use the city and state when in transit.
TrackingUpdate.comment string
A comment left by the provider about this update
TrackingUpdate.created_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this update occurred
TrackingUpdate.event string
The latest event that occurred at this waypoint. See Shipment Events
TrackingUpdate.hash string
A unique hash for this update to make it easier to identify duplicates in webhooks.
TrackingUpdate.images Array<string>
An array of URLs to images about this update. Commonly used by on demand couriers for picture proof of delivery
TrackingUpdate.layout_id string
The ID of the layout that this item is on, if it matches one of your locations.
TrackingUpdate.location_id string
The ID of the location of this update, if it is one of your locations.
TrackingUpdate.message string
User-friendly message generated by PackageX to let a customer know about their shipment status
TrackingUpdate.status string
The status code for this update See Statuses
TrackingUpdate.updated_at integer
The time in epoch seconds when this status was last updated

tracking_url string
URL where a user can go to track their packages.

updated_at integer
Time in epoch seconds when this delivery was last updated.

_search object
A special property that will be included if searching through deliveries. This is a flat object which will include <mark> tags around characters that have matched the search. You can use this to more easily highlight text for a user interface.

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_search.id string
The ID of the delivery.
_search.tracking_number string
The tracking number.
_search.sender_name string
The sender's name. It will also match common nicknames.
_search.sender_email string
The sender's email.
_search.sender_phone string
The sender's phone.
_search.sender_formatted_address string
The sender's full address string.
_search.recipient_name string
The recipient's name. It will also match common nicknames.
_search.recipient_email string
The recipient's email.
_search.recipient_phone string
The recipient's phone.
_search.recipient_formatted_address string
The recipient's full address string.
_search.relevance_score ?number
A number from 0 - 1 about how relevant the result was to the search query, with 1 being a perfect match.