1. Changelog
  2. Release Notes


Release Notes

This changelog details updates primarily related to API, Web improvements and bug fixes.

October 13, 2024 (Early Access)

API Key Features:

  • Webhook Queues:
    • each resource gets its own queue to process outgoing webhooks.
    • additionally, resources that are modified via the Batches API get a separate queue per resource, in addition to the regular queue, for outgoing webhooks.
  • Templates API:
    • Custom Item Labels added
    • Custom Asset Labels added
  • Analytics:
    • Contact Shipment Analytics API
    • Additional breakdowns in Shipment Analytics API
  • Bill of Lading, Document Classification & Item Label Inference Beta (v0) APIs are available. Documentation will be provided on request
  • Sequences API
  • UPS SurePost account suport added


  • Added ability to specify order of search results (previously they were always ordered by relevance) accross all APIs

  • Verifying easypost carrier account's validity when adding Carrier account details

  • Assets:

    • add option to specify the serial number as prefix by using the Sequences API
    • added layout code to levels
  • Batches:

    • each error line in the errors file has an additional property called phase identifying the phase in which the error occured
    • duplicate_handling is saved in the DB and returned as part of the batch
  • Events & Webhooks:

    • we automatically delete webhooks where the URLs are invalid
    • Event model exposes initial_webhooks, attempted_webhooks and pending_webhooks and these are updated in real-time
    • events are expired after 30 days by default. An option is exposed in Organizations Update API body as { "settings": {"events": { "expire_after" : "days_1" | "days_3" | "days_7" | "days_14" | "days_30" | "days_90" | "days_180" | "days_365" }}}. Please note that retaining events beyond 30 days will result in additional charges.
  • Trackers:

    • layout property containing the Layout model is present on all tracking updates
  • Shipments:

    • layout property containing the Layout model is present on all tracking updates
    • added ability to filter deliveries by container_id=null
    • EasyPost rates are consistent across the EasyPost and PX accounts when using direct integration
  • Shipping Label Inferences:

    • allow inference matching errors to be thrown or ignored:
      • this setting is exposed both at the organization level and at the inference level
      • there is a separate setting for recipient and sender
      • Organzation setting can be updated by setting these booleans in the Organization Update API body: settings.inferences.shipping_labels.match.throw_recipient_match_error and settings.inferences.shipping_labels.match.throw_sender_match_error
      • The default or Organzation setting can be overriden at the Inference API level by setting these booleans in the Inference Create API body: options.match.throw_sender_match_error and options.match.throw_recipient_match_error
      • Added sender and recipient business as searchable field and also added provider_name and service_level_name as filter

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses:
    • fixed missing Coordinates in address parsing
  • Assets:
    • fixed validation error when updating an asset
  • Shipping Label Inferences:
    • fixed a bug where inference was automatically being transformed
  • Shipments:
    • fixed a bug where getting frayt rates resulted in an exception
  • Webhooks:
    • fixed profiles webhooks and events

October 7, 2024

API Key Features:

  • Added account_id for Shipping Label Inference as a new extracted field
  • Exposed an API parameter ("status": "extracted") to prevent Shipping Label Inferences from moving to completed state on update
  • Allow filtering of shipments by container_id=null query parameter

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed missing "data" in layout deletion event
  • Fixed missing coordinates in address parsing
  • Fixed missing owners in location user list
  • Fixed inability to get new rates for a shipment when the rates for a fulfillment are expired

September 16, 2024

Bug fixes and improvements

  • User Location List Discrepancy: Resolved an issue where the 'user' location list differed from the 'location' user list
  • API Update Restriction: Implemented a fix to prevent users from updating quantities for manifests that have been marked as completed
  • Refund Functionality: Addressed a bug that prevented users from processing refunds for shipments

September 11, 2024

API Key Features

  • EasyPost API key configuration: Enables users to configure EasyPost API keys for direct integration.
  • Customs integration in shipments: Facilitates the inclusion of customs information within shipments to ship to Purto Rico and Virgin Islands.
  • Provider and rate type filters in fulfillments: Allows users to filter fulfillments based on provider and rate type.
  • Export schemas: Provides predefined schemas for exporting data in different formats.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Added service levels for international shipments: Expands shipping options for international destinations (Purto Rico and Virgin Islands)
  • Fixed batch webhooks events: Ensures 'data' is not null in batch webhook events and adds resource_id & org_id to 'data' for deletion events.
  • Prevented raw recipient name population: Corrected the issue of raw recipient names from inferences being used in shipments.
  • Fixed payment default wallet: Corrected issues related to the default payment wallet.
  • Improved handling inferences: Ensured contact id is not associated with inferences when multiple matches occur.
  • Filtered deleted contacts in groups db listener: Enhanced the filtering of deleted contacts in the groups database listener.
  • Stored address from contacts in manual matches: Enabled storing addresses from contacts during manual matches.
  • Improved tracking number search: Enhanced the search query for tracking numbers, particularly for the middle portion.
  • Handled asset serial numbers for existing strings: Improved the handling of asset serial numbers when existing serial number strings are present.
  • Ensured asset serial numbers start at user input: Corrected the starting point for asset serial numbers to align with user input.

Web Key Features

  • Enhanced fulfillments table
  • Improved web fulfillments creation
  • Restricted API searching to a minimum of 3 characters
  • Fixed address autofill in shipment creation

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Resolved matching search string in the contacts table
  • Fixed contact id displayed instead of the name in the interface detail section
  • Ensured serialized items only show assets and standard items
  • Fixed default selection in radio filters and the location link
  • Corrected tags in the table view of inferences
  • Enabled un-associating a group from a location
  • Fixed the removal of SKU and GTIN fields from fulfillments creation
  • Fixed GTIN print functionality
  • Restricted the address when only updating contact information

Overall, these changes enhance the API's functionality, address various bugs, and improve the user experience by providing more control and flexibility in managing shipments, contacts, and data exports and these changes aim to improve the user experience, address functionality issues, and enhance data accuracy within the web application.