1. Vision SDK
  2. React Native

Vision SDK

React Native


Barcode and QR Code scanner framework for support in react-native(can be used with both iOS and Android). VisionSDK provides a way to detect barcodes and qr codes. It also provides the functionality for information extraction from different kind of logistic labels like shipping labels, inventory labels, bill of ladings, receipts & invoices


Install the SDK your preferred package manager like npm, yarn, or pnpm

yarn add react-native-vision-sdk
npm install --save react-native-vision-sdk


To use the camera,

  1. On Android you need to ask for camera permission:
         <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

  1. On iOS, you need to update Info.plist with a usage description for camera
<string>Your own description of the purpose</string>


IOS Development Requirements

• iOS 13.0+ • Swift: 5.4.2 • Xcode Version: 13.0


        import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import VisionSdkView from "react-native-vision-sdk";
const ScannerView = () => {
  const visionSdk = useRef(null);
  return (
      OCRScanHandler={(value) => console.log("on OCR Detected", value)}
      OnDetectedHandler={(value) => {
        console.log("Detected Barcode =", value.nativeEvent ? value.nativeEvent.barCode : value.barcode);
        console.log("Detected Text =", value.nativeEvent ? value.nativeEvent.text : value.text);



In order to use the OCR API, you have to set apiKey to your API key. Also, you also need to specify the API environment that you have the API key for. Please note that these have to be set before using the API call. You can generate your own API key on our platform. You can find the instruction guide here.

        useEffect (() => {
    mode, // scanning mode like ocr, barcode, qrcode
    apiKey // your api key
    locationId // your location id if you have


Capture Image

You can capture an image when mode is OCR. In OCR mode when capture is called, then in the callback, it will return an image.



Close Camera

Stops camera session and scanning.




Set reference for vision sdk to manipulate modes or to access callback functions

The type of scan you would like to perform. Options include barCode, qrCode, and ocr

  • barCode - Detects barcodes only in this mode.
  • qrCode - Detects qr codes only in this mode.
  • ocr - Use this mode to capture photos for later user in OCR API call.

Default captureMode in ‘auto’, you can either use ‘manual’

The PackageX location ID for this scan. If your API key is scoped to a location, you can find the location ID on the key.

The PackageX environment that is being used. sandbox or production

The callback will be called with a response object

The Response Object

Return ocr detected data

Return the detected data for ‘barcode’ and ‘text’

Return the detected data for barcode

Description of the error, use it for debug purpose only

whenever image is capture in OCR mode

Description camera_unavailable camera not available on device

Permission not satisfied

other errors (check errorMessage for description)

In the callbacks, success or error response will be returned. It returns with the OCR Response from PackageX Platform API Response.

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